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Insurance Conversations:

If you are having problems obtaining lactation benefits, visit (National Womens Law Center) or call them at 1-866-745-5487 


Where to Start?

  • First you can contact your insurance directly under member benefits contact and determine if your  insurance plan offers out-of-network lactation coverage as stated by the Affordable Care Act.


  • It can be useful to get a referral from your pediatrician and or your OB for lactation support, though it is not legally required. If you get a referral mention this when speaking with your insurance carrier.


  • Frequently Asked Questions about the Affordable Care Act (Specifically refer to Part XII  addresses limitations on cost-sharing and coverage of preventive services ) 



If your pediatrician or OB conceded to give you a referral then make sure to start the script with this information.


You: I understand that under the Affordable Care Act all plans are required to cover breastfeeding support and supplies without cost-sharing. Can you confirm that my plan follows this Federal guideline?


Insurance Agent: NO, we don’t cover breast pumps or lactation consultants.


You: Is my plan grandfathered?


Insurance Agent: NO, your plan is not grandfathered, but we don’t provide this benefit.


You: The healthcare law requires that you provide this benefit. Can I speak with a supervisor to make sure this is the correct information about this policy?


Repeat these questions to the supervisor and insist that under § 1001 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), which amends § 2713 of the Public Health Services Act, all non-grandfathered group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group or individual coverage shall provide coverage of certain preventive services for women with no cost-sharing. The list of women’s preventive services that must be covered in plan years starting after Aug. 1, 2012 includes “comprehensive lactation support and counseling and costs of renting or purchasing breastfeeding equipment for the duration of breastfeeding.”


Nursing Newborn

Appealing a Denial for Lactation Equipment (Breast Pump)


(When you copy and paste this you may need to take a quick moment to adjust the format)


To Whom It May Concern:

I am enrolled in a [INSURANCE COMPANY NAME] plan, policy number [POLICY NUMBER]. I recently tried to purchase a pump through my health insurance. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires that my insurance coverage of this preventive service be with no cost-sharing. However, when I contacted [INSURANCE COMPANY NAME] about the coverage, I was told I could not get coverage of [BREAST PUMP REQUESTED]. 

Under § 1001 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), which amends § 2713 of the Public Health Services Act, all non-grandfathered group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group or individual coverage shall provide coverage of certain preventive services for women with no cost-sharing. The list of women’s preventive services which must be covered in plan years starting after Aug. 1, 2012 includes “comprehensive lactation support and counseling and costs of renting or purchasing breastfeeding equipment [] for the duration of breastfeeding” (see attachment). 

My health insurance plan is non-grandfathered. Thus, the plan must comply with the women’s preventive services provision.

[INCLUDE THIS PARAGRAPH IF YOUR PLAN DOES NOT HAVE A CLEAR PROCESS TO GET A PUMP] My health care provider has prescribed that I use [BREAST PUMP REQUESTED]. The insurance plan has not established a process for me to obtain a pump, such as through a durable medical equipment supplier, and thus it remains an over-the-counter product for the purposes of my plan. As the FAQs on the preventive services (dated February 20, 2013) state, “OTC recommended items and services must be covered without cost-sharing…when prescribed by a health care provider.”  Accordingly, [INSURANCE COMPANY] must cover [BREAST PUMP REQUESTED] as required under the Affordable Care Act. 

LAST PARAGRAPH OPTIONS: (1) I have spent [TOTAL AMOUNT] out-of-pocket on [NAME OF BREAST PUMP], despite the fact that it should have been covered. I have attached copies of receipts which document these out-of-pocket expenses. [COMPANY NAME] must rectify this situation by reimbursing me for the out-of-pocket costs I have incurred during the period it was not covered without cost-sharing. Furthermore, [COMPANY NAME] must ensure breastfeeding support and supplies, including lactation counseling are covered without cost-sharing in the future by changing any corporate policies that do not comply with the Affordable Care Act. 

Or  (2) I am prepared to order [BREAST PUMP REQUESTED] when [COMPANY NAME] assures that I have coverage without cost-sharing. I expect that [COMPANY NAME] will rectify this situation and notify me within 30 days of receipt of this letter that [BREAST PUMP REQUESTED] will be covered without cost-sharing.




 Copies of Receipts Documenting Out-of-Pocket Costs

 Frequently Asked Questions about the Affordable Care Act

Appealing a Denial for Lactation Support


(When you copy and paste this you may need to take a quick moment to adjust the format)


To Whom It May Concern:  

I am enrolled in a [INSURANCE COMPANY NAME] plan, policy number [POLICY NUMBER]. I recently tried to access lactation counseling that should be covered by my health insurance. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires insurance coverage of breastfeeding support and supplies with no cost-sharing. However, when I contacted [INSURANCE COMPANY NAME] about the coverage by [SPECIFY METHOD, PHONE] on [DATE], I was told I could not get coverage of [LACTATION COUNSELING] because [SPECIFY REASON, SUCH AS NO IN-NETWORK PROVIDERS]. 

Under § 1001 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), which amends § 2713 of the Public Health Services Act, all non-grandfathered group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group or individual coverage shall provide coverage of certain preventive services for women with no cost-sharing. The list of women’s preventive services that must be covered in plan years starting after Aug. 1, 2012 includes “comprehensive lactation support and counseling and costs of renting or purchasing breastfeeding equipment for the duration of breastfeeding” (see attachment). 

My health insurance plan is non-grandfathered and the plan year started on [PLAN YEAR DATE]. Thus, the plan must comply with the women’s preventive services provision. 

The insurance plan has not established a process for me to obtain in-network lactation counseling, as required by federal law. Federal guidance on the preventive services clarify that, “… if a plan or issuer does not have in its network a provider who can provide the particular service, then the plan or issuer must cover the item or service when performed by an out-of-network provider and not impose cost-sharing with respect to the item or service.”

Since [PLAN YEAR DATE], I have spent [TOTAL AMOUNT] out-of-pocket on [LACTATION COUNSELING], despite the fact that it should have been covered during that time. I have attached copies of receipts which document these out-of-pocket expenses. [COMPANY NAME] must rectify this situation by reimbursing me for the out-of-pocket costs I have incurred during the period it was not covered without cost-sharing. Furthermore, [COMPANY NAME] must ensure breastfeeding support and supplies, including lactation counseling are covered without cost-sharing in the future by changing any corporate policies that do not comply with the Affordable Care Act. 




Copies of Receipts Documenting Out-of-Pocket Costs

Frequently Asked Questions about the Affordable Care Act

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