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Trusted Resources:

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Smiling Baby
How we approach tethered oral tissue (TOT) and Tongue Ties and Breastfeeding:

Breastfeeding is challenging. That's why there is an entire subspecialty dedicated to helping families on their journey.

Bloom and Grow Lactation partners with you to help optimize your human milk feeding experience, and approach breastfeeding with conservative management.


I currently do not perform release of oral tissue in my office.

​I refer outside of my practice to pediatric ENT surgeons for procedural evaluation of oral anatomy that appears to affect optimal fit and hold of infant latch. Referral is fast and timely often with same week appointments.



Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM) Position Statement on Ankyloglossia.

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Maternal Mental Health Matters

Chloe Trayhurn Art

PMADs (Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders) affect ONE in FIVE mothers. ​It can begin in pregnancy, after birth, or anytime within the first year.

But, there is treatment. And we must break the silence together as a community. PMADs can strike without warning, and it brings guilt, misery and helplessness at a time that you would be considered joyful. This is not uncommon. You are not to blame. Parenthood is a transitional period in life filled with vast changes in your body, hormones, responsibility and self identity. 

If you, or someone you know has feelings related to the peripartum period that include any of the following, please consider seeking help:


  • Sleep disturbance and changes in appetite

  • Feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, guilt and despair

  • Feeling inadequate as a mother

  • Anxious or irritable feelings

  • Feeling emotionally disconnected from your baby

  • Lack of interest in family and friends

  • Obsessive or intrusive thoughts regarding baby's safety 

    • (​

​At Bloom and Grow Lactation we can discuss your difficult thoughts and feelings and consider best next steps together. Dr. Campbell completed training with Postpartum Support International (PSI), and she can triage and sometimes begin treatment if indicated.


With help, you will be well. 


Here is a link to a beautiful podcast of stories from mothers that may resonate with you if you wish to explore:

Birth of a Mother Podcast.


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